Sunday, 6 July 2008

On being creative

Finally, after a few days of unemployment and a brief moment of inspiration, I've managed to complete draft 1 of my novel.

This is the novel that was conceived back in the year 2000 when I was stuck for cash in Italy. Better late than never I suppose. I wrote chapter one back then as an introduction and practice to see if I could do it and it was fairly well received by those who I allowed to read it. So we'll see.

I'm just printing it out, then the process of editing and re-working a lot of it begins. So the first draft will probably be far from the final product (if indeed, anyone wants to print it!)

This creative splurge comes after preparing a very visual and exciting sermon for this evening on Psalm 145. The talky bit will be available on the internet from tomorrow I think, but the visuals are not - unless I upload them onto here... we'll see.

There are at least 2 other writing projects in progress at the moment and so I reckon I might as well get on with that. I've registered with Jobseekers, but have to wait a week before interview. In the meantime the internet is not leading me towards any particular jobs and it's raining so wandering round town window shopping has to be put on hold for a few days...

Back to my laptop...